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Laser Treatments & Procedures

Get the Glow You've Always Wanted with Laser Treatments and Procedures!

Laser treatments and procedures have become a popular option for a variety of cosmetic and medical needs. From removing unwanted hair to improving skin texture, reducing wrinkles, and even treating medical conditions like acne and rosacea, lasers can be a versatile solution for many issues. At Ladue Medical Spa, we offer a range of laser treatments to help you look and feel your best.

Diolaze Treatment


Diolaze is an innovative laser hair removal technology that offers a safe and gentle solution to unwanted hair. With its large treatment spot size and ultra-fast speed,

Diolaze makes laser hair removal more convenient and efficient than ever before. This advanced technology targets hair follicles at the root, providing long-lasting results that traditional hair removal methods simply cannot achieve.

At Ladue Medical Spa, we offer Diolaze treatments that are tailored to meet your specific needs, leaving you with smooth and hair-free skin.

  • Who can use Diolaze?

    Diolaze is a professional laser hair removal system designed for individuals with Fitzpatrick Skin Types I-V. This means that people with fair to medium skin tones can effectively use Diolaze for hair removal treatments. However, it is important to note that individuals with darker skin tones (Fitzpatrick Skin Types VI) may not be suitable candidates for Diolaze due to the risk of skin pigmentation changes. It is recommended to consult with a qualified professional or dermatologist to determine if Diolaze is the right hair removal solution for your specific skin type and needs.

  • Does it hurt?

    Diolaze has a built in skin cooling surface which is one of the largest for all hair removal devices. This makes treatment more comfortable than other devices. Most patients say that Diolaze is virtually painless.

  • What areas can be treated with Diolaze?

    Diolaze can be used on almost any part of the body, including the face, arms, legs, bikini area, back, and chest.

  • How many sessions are needed for optimal results?

    The number of sessions required varies depending on the individual and the area being treated. However, most patients require 6-9 treatments spaced 4-8 weeks apart to achieve optimal results.


Looking for a safe and effective solution to tighten your skin and reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and acne scars? Look no further than Morpheus8! This minimally invasive modular RF fractional solution stimulates collagen production to tighten your skin and rejuvenate your body, legs, knees, or face.

With many small needles penetrating deeper to the subcutaneous level of the skin, Morpheus8 delivers excellent results. Pricing for Morpheus8 starts at just $500, so book a consultation appointment today to find out if Morpheus8 is right for you!

Benefits Of Morpheus8

  • Skin Tightening

    Morpheus8 uses radio-frequency to heat the skin, which stimulates collagen production and tightens the skin. This can improve the appearance of sagging skin, especially in the jowls, neck, and under the eyes.

  • Improved Skin Texture

    Morpheus8 can improve skin texture by reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. The treatment promotes collagen production, which helps to plump up the skin, resulting in a smoother texture.

  • Minimal Downtime

    Unlike more invasive procedures such as surgery, Morpheus8 has minimal downtime. You may experience some redness and swelling immediately after the treatment, but this usually resolves within a few days.

  • Versatile Treatment

    Morpheus8 can be used on various parts of the body, including the face, neck, arms, and legs. This makes it a versatile treatment option for those looking to improve the appearance of aging or damaged skin.

Morpheus treatment
Before and After of IPL treatment

IPL Laser Treatment

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Laser Treatment is a non-invasive procedure that uses light therapy to treat various skin concerns such as wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, and unwanted hair. The treatment typically lasts for 20 to 30 minutes depending on the area being treated. Most people require 3 to 6 treatments, with each session spaced one month apart to allow the skin to heal properly. IPL is safe for Fitzpatrick Skin Types I-VI. IPL Laser Treatment starts at $175, with prices varying depending on the area being treated. A series of 3 treatments, one month apart, are typically recommended for optimal results, with 1-2 days of downtime expected.

What is IPL used for?

  • Age spots

    IPL can help to reduce the appearance of age spots or liver spots caused by sun exposure and ageing. The treatment targets the melanin in the skin, breaking up the pigment to create a more even skin tone.

  • Sun damage

    IPL can also help to minimize the damage caused by long-term sun exposure, such as sun spots and fine lines. The treatment stimulates collagen production, which helps to improve skin texture and elasticity.

  • Freckles

    IPL can be used to reduce the appearance of freckles by targeting the melanin in the skin. This can help to create a more even skin tone.

  • Varicose veins

    IPL can help to minimize the appearance of spider veins and varicose veins on the legs by targeting the blood vessels in the skin.


BodyFX is a safe and effective treatment that targets specific areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and buttocks. It is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction, providing a comfortable and non-invasive way to achieve a more contoured and toned body.

The BodyFX treatment is customizable and can be tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each patient. Our team of medical professionals will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that targets your specific areas of concern.

At Ladue Medical Spa, we use the latest BodyFX technology to ensure the best possible results for our clients. Our team is committed to providing safe and effective treatments in a comfortable and relaxing environment.

If you're interested in learning more about BodyFX and how it can help you achieve the body you've always wanted, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you take the first step towards a more confident you.

Types Of FX

  • BodyFX

    BodyFX is a non-invasive and safe treatment option for individuals looking to reduce the appearance of cellulite and contour their body. The treatment uses a combination of radiofrequency energy and vacuum pressure to target the sub-dermal fat, ultimately leading to a reduction in cellulite and improved skin texture. BodyFX is an effective and popular treatment option for individuals seeking a non-surgical solution to improve the appearance of their body.

  • MiniFX

    MiniFX is a revolutionary non-invasive treatment designed to target and reduce the appearance of cellulite in smaller areas of the body such as the arms, neck, and knees. The treatment uses a combination of radiofrequency energy and negative pressure to penetrate deep into the skin and heat the fat cells, breaking them down and ultimately smoothing the skin. With no downtime and minimal discomfort, MiniFX is a safe and effective solution for anyone looking to improve the appearance of cellulite in specific areas.

Woman getting BodyFX treatment
facial treatment


Forma is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment that utilizes radio-frequency energy to tighten the skin. By stimulating collagen production, Forma can effectively reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and give the skin a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

This non-invasive procedure is perfect for smaller areas such as under the chin and neck, as well as larger areas such as the upper thighs. Typically, six weekly treatments are recommended for optimal results.

Pricing starts at $150 but may vary depending on the treatment area. At Ladue Medical Spa, packages are available, and a consultation with our experienced professionals is required to determine the best treatment plan for your unique needs.

Benefits Of Forma

  • Improves skin elasticity

    The radio-frequency energy used in Forma heats up the skin's deep layers, which triggers collagen production. This improves skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Reduces sagging

    Forma's heat also stimulates the production of elastin fibers, which helps to lift and tighten sagging skin. This is especially beneficial for areas like the jowls, neck, and under the eyes.

  • Reduced Pigmentation

    Forma can also help reduce hyperpigmentation, such as age spots and sun damage, by targeting and breaking down melanin clusters in the skin. This can result in a more even skin tone and a brighter, more youthful complexion.

  • Boosts Collagen Production

    The radio-frequency energy used in Forma treatments stimulates the production of collagen, which is essential for healthy, youthful-looking skin.

Plasma IQ

Plasma IQ is a skin rejuvenation treatment that uses an electrostatic impulse to create a microchannel in the skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting skin tightening. The procedure has a short downtime and starts at $150, with prices varying depending on the treated area. A consultation is required to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Plasma IQ is a cutting-edge treatment that can effectively address a range of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and acne scarring. The electrostatic impulse used in the treatment creates controlled micro-injuries that trigger the body's natural healing response, leading to the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

What does Plasma IQ treat?

  • Facial lines

    Plasma IQ can help eliminate fine lines and wrinkles on the face, especially those that dermal fillers may not be able to fully address. By stimulating collagen production, the treatment can improve the skin's texture and firmness, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

  • Lip lines

    Plasma IQ is particularly effective at reducing the appearance of vertical lip lines, also known as smoker's lines, which can be difficult to treat with other methods. The treatment can smooth out these lines and restore volume to the lips for a plumper, more defined look.

  • Upper lip drooping

    As we age, the skin around the mouth can begin to sag, creating a sad or angry expression. Plasma IQ can help lift and tighten the skin in the upper lip area, restoring a more relaxed, natural look.

  • Under-eye area

    Dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines can all be improved with Plasma IQ. By stimulating collagen and elastin production, the treatment can rejuvenate the delicate skin around the eyes and reduce the signs of aging.

  • Stretch marks

    Plasma IQ can also be used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks on various parts of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, and arms. By stimulating skin regeneration and tightening, the treatment can help fade these marks and improve the skin's overall texture.

Plasma IQ treatment


Threading is a minimally invasive treatment that uses absorbable sutures to tighten and lift the skin, reducing lines and wrinkles for a more youthful appearance. Ladue Medical Spa uses FDA-approved PDO threads from the Medyglobal line to provide safe and effective results.

The procedure typically takes 15 to 30 minutes and pricing starts at $100, depending on the area treated and the number of threads used.

A consultation is required to determine if threading is the right treatment for your unique needs.

Which body areas benefit from threads?

  • Cheeks, Brow, and Forehead

    PDO threads can be placed through the cheeks, brow, and forehead area to lift and tighten sagging skin, reduce wrinkles and lines, and restore a youthful appearance. The threads are inserted into the skin using a fine needle, and they work by stimulating collagen production to promote skin rejuvenation. The procedure is minimally invasive and requires little to no downtime.

  • Neck

    PDO threads can also be placed around the neck area to tighten loose skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and restore a more youthful appearance. This is a popular alternative to surgical facelifts for those who are experiencing mild to moderate sagging in the neck area.

  • Upper Lip

    PDO threads can be used to add volume to the upper lip and create a natural-looking lift. This is a great alternative to the "lip flip" procedure with Botox, as it provides longer-lasting results. PDO threads are inserted into the skin around the upper lip using a fine needle, and they work by stimulating collagen production to plump up the skin and create a more youthful appearance.

thread treatment


  • How many sessions of laser treatment will I need?

    The number of sessions needed varies depending on the type of laser treatment and the area being treated. During your consultation, your provider will assess your skin and recommend the appropriate number of sessions needed for your specific case.

  • What is the downtime after laser treatment?

    The downtime after laser treatment depends on the type of laser used and the area being treated. Some laser treatments require no downtime at all, while others may require a few days of redness, swelling, and peeling. Your provider will discuss the expected downtime with you before your treatment so you can plan accordingly.

  • Is laser treatment safe for all skin types?

    Laser treatments are safe for most skin types, but it's important to consult with a trained professional to determine the best course of treatment for your specific skin type and concerns. They can also recommend alternative treatments if laser therapy is not suitable for you.

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Happy Woman

Get in Touch for Flawless Skin

If you're interested in our laser treatments, feel free to contact us to book a consultation or ask any questions you may have. We're always happy to help you find the right treatment for your specific needs and skin type.

Our experienced staff will guide you through the entire process, from your initial consultation to your follow-up appointments, ensuring that you receive the best possible care. At Ladue Medical Spa, we're committed to helping you achieve the perfect glow, so don't hesitate to get in touch with us today!

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